Bluetooth Technology & Accessories

Posted by rike on 0

Bluetooth is a communications protocol primarily designed for low power consumption, with short range ( 1meter, 10 meters, 100 meters). Bluetooth enables these device to communicate with each other when they are in range. The devices use a radio communications system, so they do not have to be in line of sight of each other, and can even be in other rooms as long as the received transmissionis powerful enough. Nowdays, bluetooth technology often use for connected between mobile phone and it's accessories. Bluetooth Accessories is very useful and very pleasant, because it's no need cable to connect with other devices. When we use Bluetooth Accessories such as Bluetooth Headsets it is more pleasant than if we use commonly headset that use cable to connected with.

Bluetooth wireless technology is a wireless protocol utilizing short range communication technology facillitating both voice and data transmission over short distance. Bluetooth exist in many products such as telephones/mobilephones, printers, modems, headsets and many more. Bluetooth is commonly use to transfer byte data with hand-held computers (transfering files) or to transfer sound data with telephones (i.e with bluetooth headsets). Bluetooth provides a way to connect and axchange information between devices such as telephones, mobile phones, lap tops, personal computer, printers, digitals camera, GPS receiver, headset, video game consoles and many more.

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